Ram Charan will be spending the next three days at Hyderabad Airport. He will be shooting for his next movie directed by Krishna Vamsi there. The formal launch of the movie took place today in Filmnagar Venkateswara Swamy Temple. The movie shooting will shift to Rameswaram, Nagercoil and Pollachi for a 40 days schedule.
The makers will be planning Dusshera release for the film. Popular Tamil actor, Raj Kiran will be playing important role in the movie. It is known that the movie was supposed to be a multistarer with Venkatesh but the makers had to content with Srikanth after Venky turned down the project.
Kajal Agarwal who acted in Ram Charan’s Magadheera, Nayak and Yevadu will be romancing the actor in the movie. All the three films are super hits and fans hope that the sentiment will hold good for the fourth time. Krishna Vamsi is an ardent fans of Chiranjeevi and always tried to make a film with him. But the project never materialized. Finally, KV is going to handle Chiranjeevi’s son and he will be no doubt give his 100% for the film.