The Mega Power Star of Tollywood, Ram Charan, who has taken a really long gap after Govindhudu Andarivadele , is presently working for Srinu Vaitla’s movie that took a lot of time during the script work itself. Rakul Preet has bagged the lucky chance to become the heroine.
Now if we dig into the story of Upasana, Ram Charan’s wife has shocked him. It seems Upasana was repeatedly asking Ram Charan the same thing. However, Ram Charan took it lightly thinking that Upasana was just joking.
But shocking Ram Charan, Upasana has taken a strong decision about producing a film and that too Ram Charan as hero. However, she did not give clarity about which movie she wants to produce. According to the industry sources, it seems there is a maximum chances for Upasana to produce the next film of Ram Charan after Srinu Vaitla’s project.
According to reports, the movie in combination of Upasana as producer and Ram Charan as hero will be coming up but the project may be very much delayed. So, what do you think?