Mega Power Star Ram Charan is said to have made some provoking comments indirectly aimed at Nandamuri Balakrishna. The incident happened at Chiranjeevi Birthday Celebrations at Chiranjeevi Charitable Trust on Friday. Several mega fans gathered there and Charan along with Sai Dharam Tej and Varun Tej attended the event and cut the cake on Chiru’s behalf.
During this event, Charan reportedly announced the 150th film of Megastar Chiranjeevi and while revealing details about the film, Charan made some unwanted comments. “Recordla Kosam theesina Cinemano. Kathi pattukuni thiragadam, Botlu pettukuni thiragadam, meesalu thippukuni thiragadam lanti Cinema matram avvadhu. Oka Manchi Cinema avuddi”. (It will not be a film for records. Hero will not be carrying sword, twirling mustache, and wearing big bindhis. It will be a good film).
Many say wearing Bindhi, Carrying Sword and Twirling Moustache refers to Balakrishna’s recently released Legend movie. Several people are of the opinion that Charan’s comment show him in a poor light and are totally unnecessary. It is known that Balakrishna and Chiranjeevi have witnessed some very fierce competition at the box office in their prime.
It is said that Chiranjeevi had finalized a story line for the 150th film but is yet to confirm a director for the project. Trusted sources say Chiranjeevi’s 150th film will get only confirmed after 2-3 months. The film will start rolling only towards the end of the year. Unlike the popular speculations, the film will be an entertainer with out any social points or messages. Chiranjeevi who was away from films for 7 years for politics will strike balance between films and politics going further.