He promised it four months back and producer Bandla Ganesh is not stopping from his word. As the flick ‘Govindudu Andarivadele’ is getting ready for Censor certification tomorrow, posters of the flick indicating the release date and muhurat of first ever show in the world are getting pasted all over Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Mega Powerstar Ram Charan’s latest family entertainer ‘Govindudu Andarivadele’ which is creatively carved by talented Krishna Vamsi will be releasing on October 1st, 2014. Like he does all the time, producer Ganesh fixed a muhurat for the film’s release. Exactly at 5.18 am (Wednesday early morning), first ever show of GAV will be screened at many centres across Telugu states.
Colorful visuals, heart touching emotions and pleasant nativity portrayed in GAV have multiplied expectations on the movie. Though there were certain apprehensions about Krishna Vamsi’s creative juices earlier, all that negative hype turned positive post the audio release of the movie. Let’s hold our excitement until Censor Talk is out!