The Mega power star Ram charan’s upcoming movie “Yevadu” is getting ready to entertain in a new style. In this film Shruthi Haasan and Amy Jackson are the lady leads. There is a talk that Ram Charan look dashing in this movie. His costumes and styling are to be different and will attract the youngsters a lot as per the sources buzz.
The main hero’s characterization in the film is similar to that of present day youth.Our Mega hero is trying to surprise the audience with an action triller and unpredictable twists this time.
The crucial scenes are being canned currently in Medchal, there some comedy scenes are being canned . Along with Charan, Raghu Karumanchi is also participating in the shooting. Vamsi Paidipally of “Brindaavanam” fame is handling the megaphone for this action thriller and Dil Raju is producing it. In this film Allu Arjun and Kajal Agarwal are in the cameo role. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer.