Akhilesh Yadav revealed that he used to watch Chiranjeevi’s films when he was studying in Mysore and like the way Megastar performs, dances and does stunts. He was surprised to see Ram Charan speaking fluent Hindi and appreciated him for remaking his favorite hero Amitabh Bachchan’s landmark film ‘Zanjeer’. He then jokingly said to Chiru, ‘Your Family Has Four Heroes, My Family Has Four Politicians’.
Later, Akhilesh covered the entire house of Chiru and showered praises for its unique design that gives a wide view of the city from all the four corners.
Seems like Akhilesh Yadav knows the tricks of growing from strength to strength as a politician. During his AP tour, He focussed on making as many friends as possible keeping an eye on the alliances at the National level after 2014 general elections. The visit to Chiru’s residence is just part of the game.