Mega Power Star Ram Charan was reportedly approached for Women Safety drive initiated by the Telangana police. The actor has agreed instantly for the noble initiate. Telangana police recently started Women Safety awareness initiative across Hyderabad and other areas of Telangana State.
As a part of this initiative, they will be teaching nearly two thousand girls and women about self defense and safety precautions. Ram Charan will preside as special guest for some of these programs. The actor is currently busy in the works of his sister’s marriage and will very soon allot dates for this program.
On the other side, the shooting of his Dhruva, the remake of Thani Oruvan is also not happening on the expected lines due to Srija’s marriage. In the last one month, the team just shot for a week. Once Ram Charan is free, he will shoot non-stop for the film. Plan is to release it on August 12th as Independence day Special.