Tollywood star Ram Charan’s ‘TruJet’ airlines achieved the dubious distinction of topping all the other airlines in India, in terms of cancellation of flight services. The low-cost airlines was launched just four months ago amid much fanfare in July 2015. TruJet airlines cancelled 14.95 per cent of flights in October alone, the highest among all other domestic airlines.
The second place went to Air Costa airlines, which cancelled 6.87 per cent flight services. Even in terms of number of complaints received from passengers, TruJet stood at the third place in the entire country.
Ram Charan’s TruJet continues to face the wrath of passengers over cancellation of flights ever since its launch in July 2015.
TruJet is now trying to attract the passengers with special offers on ticket price concessions that were offered while it was launched. Let’s see, whether this would change the fortunes of the TruJet.