Ram Charan tried for an image makeover with his previous film Govindudu Andarivadele. Although Charan’s attempt was appreciated, the film didn’t give the necessary boost to the actor who thought of penetrating into the overseas market. With GAV ending up as an average fare, critics of Ram Charan branded him as one dimensional actor.
Mega Powerstar is all set to hit back at his critics with his next film directed by Srinu Vaitla. This film is said to be a complete entertainer that has everything to please all sections of audience. Srinu Vailta, who received brickbats for his previous film Aagadu, is hell bent on proving his capabilities as director with this movie.
This is the first film of Ram Charan that has loads of comedy as well as action besides family drama. Srinu Vailta’s script has everything for everyone and the sources close to Charan are betting big on this one. This will be Charan’s film that will do wonders from A to C centers, they say. We are waiting Charan!