Bollywood’s Top Superstars Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan upped the intolerant India debate by alleging that the country is becoming intolerant under the current government. While there is a public backlash on these allegations, Ram Gopal Varma blasted the Khans left and right.
Here are his tweets:
-> If Aamir, Sharukh and Salman the three biggest stars of the Hindu country “India” are Muslims, I don’t understand where intolerance is ?
-> In a predominantly Hindu country, if 3 Muslims can become the biggest iconic super stars that itself proves the majority aren’t intolerant.
-> Some celebs complaining about Intolerance should be the last ones to complain becos they became celebs in a so called intolerant country.
-> Isolated incidents can’t be taken as sign of intolerance and the super stardom of 3 Muslims is proof enough of the vast majority’s tolerance.