Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma always come up with innovative ideas to stay in news. Currently an encounter of 20 Red Sandal smugglers in Seshachalam Forests is a talking point every where. In the wake of this discussion, Ram Gopal Varma announced a film on notorious smuggler Veerappan and the man who killed him.
“I gathered the real story of Veerappan from unnameable and highly secretive sources and it has 100 times more drama and content than that of Dawood Ibrahim The biggest hero for me is the man who killed the biggest villain and so this is the actual untold and unknown true story of the man who killed Veerappan” said Ram Gopal Varma.
It was only yesterday Ram Gopal Varma announced the making of SILENT which will not have sound. However Ram Gopal Varma has the habit of announcing films and never taking them on sets. We will have to see if this project will be any different.