Legendary Telugu Producer Dr. D.Rama Naidu was presented Padma honours by President Pranab Mukherjee a short while ago. Along with Rama Naidu, Actresses Sharmila Tagore received her Padma Bhushan. Sri Devi received her Padma Shri award. Cricketer Rahul Dravid received the Padma Bhushan. Sculptor Raghunath Mohapatra and researcher Yash Pal received the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian award.
Born in Andhra Pradesh in 1936, Dr. Ramanaidu entered the film world in 1963 with his first film Anuragam, followed by the super hit film Ramudu-Bheemudu starring NTR in 1964. Over the last 47 years, he has been a prolific producer of over 130 films in several Indian languages.