Telugu audience in 90s will be well aware of Ramana Gogula who worked for several Pawan Kalyan films like Badri and Thammudu. He is the one who brought a change in the Telugu music by adding western flavour to it. He slowly disappeared in horizon. And now, few days ago, there is a news that he is making his comeback with Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming movie with Sampath Nandi’s direction. But Gogula had condemned the rumors
“Pawan Kalyan is a good guy. I like him a lot and we are good friends too. If given a chance, I would love to work with him again. There are rumours that I’m working with him in his next movie. It’s false. He hasn’t called me yet.” He said to a leading Newspaper. So, fans of Pawan Kalyan and Ramana Gogula combo had to wait longer.