Ram Gopal Varma who started all the discussion on Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s political entry once again tried pulling Pawan into politics. This even after Mega Brother Naga Babu issued an official statement that neither he nor his brother Pawan Kalayan is interested in joining politics now or in future.
However Ramu who was speaking to media regarding his expected criminal case on censor board regional officer Dhanalakshmi and Satya 2 controversy, said Pawan Kalyan should come to politics at once. He said while at present people get to see him only in theaters when his films are screened, if he enters politics people can enjoy watching him on every channel from their houses.
When asked why don’t he come into politics, he said he don’t have any intention to serve public or the society and that was the reason why he is asking Power Star Pawan Kalyan to join politics.