The versatile actress of the South Indian Cinema, Ramya Krishna, who just charmed with the her powerful performance in the India’s Biggest motion piture, Baahubali revealed a few secrets that underlied beneath the character Sivagami. Sharing the success of the movie, Ramya Krishna said that she first denied to act in the movie.
She said that Rajamouli called her to play a role in Baahubali and asked for 40 days of call sheets but she denied to do so as she had already signed other projects. So, Rajamouli himself came to narrate to her personally about the role and she immediately gave dates and further said that she will give more dates if required. ‘
Ramya Krishna also shared her early experience in the industry that she being called an “iron leg” and now her movie collected 300 crores is totally shocking to her. It seems she never calculates or thinks about her remuneration instead thinks of how should she give her best to the character.
She said that Neelambari’s role and Sivagami’s role were all gifts from Sai Baba and because of his blessings she is at this stage. So, this clearly states that every actor will have a low and high phase in their career.