Rana Daggubati is reportedly “unavailable” for director Ram Gopal Varma. This is the latest buzz doing in film nagar. After reports surfaced that both RGV and Rana are going to team up for an upcoming film Golusu and Rana had given his nod, producer Ramesh Varma came out in open and made it clear that “cast has not been decided”. As we dig into the reports, it is learnt that Rana Daggubati has “no dates” for RGV’s Golusu as he is already occupied with the films like Baahubali, Rudhramadevi and others.
Rana and RGV’s previous film Department bombed at Box Office without a trace and the weird-camera angles in the film were widely criticized. RGV’s Golusu, based on underworld, is expected to be on the lines of RGV’s previous underworld films like D, Company and Satya. “The project is in talks and it’d take another few weeks to finalize it,” said producer Ramesh Varma. Meanwhile, RGV’s films like Ice Cream 2, Patta Pagalu and Sridevi are in pipeline for the release.