Though there are plans to launch Suresh Babu’s younger son Abhiram Daggubati as a hero long back, somehow they didn’t work. Later some pictures shared by Sri Reddy on the social media did more damage to the Daggubati youngster and he has shifted to handling production related works of films like Oh Baby.
Reports are now coming that the Daggubati dad is once again moving the pawns to launch his younger son as a hero. Impressed with Manmadhdu 2 rushes, which Suresh Babu is said to have watched recently, he asked the director Rahul to make a script that could introduce his younger son Abhiram as a hero.
Though the talks are at a very preliminary stage, Suresh Babu is said to be looking for some edgy scripts like Andhadhun or Badaai Ho to launch his son, and he wants the young director to come up with such stories. In the first place, Abhiram is said to be getting groomed in Mumbai and New York in acting skills.
While elder brother Rana Daggubati is already an actor, we have to see if Abhiram could prove his mettle or not.