Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who is not keeping well for the past few days underwent Coronavirus tests. The test reports came back as positive, the actor’s mother confirmed on Twitter.Neetu Kapoor took to Microblogging site Twitter to announce the news of Ranbir Kapoor contacting the virus. In the tweet, she said Ranbir is on medication and he is recovering well.
‘Thank you for your concern and your good wishes. Ranbir has tested positive for Covid-19. He is on medication and recovering well. He is in self-quarantine at home and following all precautions,’ Neetu Kapoor tweeted.Earlier last week, veteran actor Randhir Kapoor, Ranbir’s uncle said he is not keeping unwell. However, the senior actor said he cannot say if Ranbir has come in contact with the virus.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor is busy shooting for Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal and untitled project helmed by Luv Ranjan. He will be next seen in ‘Shamshera’ which is scheduled to hit the theatres on June 25.