Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Bollywood hot pair are turning wild in public parties. Ranveer singh lead role of Ram leela and Deepika padukone his co star of Ram leela did some hot and romantic scenes in film and they are now continuing the same romance off screen too which makes many surprised.
Both these stars are in love and they are planning to marry in few more years are the rumors airing in Bollywood media and their public appearance is now adding more stuff to that news. These both attended a private Bollywood party and every single second they are staying closer and murmuring, having fun and dancing in party.
Both these stars danced hot for Ram leela songs on stage and guests to that private party are Bollywood stars who felt awkward after seeing their romance on stage. No matter what Bollywood media brings out news on them, they are not gonna stay apart from each other proves this incident.