Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has been convicted in twin rape cases, and the situations turned worse in Punjab and Haryana. Now in the latest development, look out notices have been issued against Ram Rahim Singh’s daughter Honeypreet Singh.All the airports along with bus and rail stations have been alerted for this lady Honeypreet Singh who happens to be adopted daughter of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh. She allegedly conspired to free Ram Rahim Singh from the security levels, say reports.
Haryana Deputy Commissioner Manbir Singh informed the news saying that she was the one who provoked the crowds to start violent acts. Also, it is a shocker as to how Honeypreet was allowed to board a helicopter that shuttled Ram Rahim Babu out of the Panchkula court complex in Haryana last Friday, after his conviction in the rape case. Some sources from Haryana indicated that Honeypreet has gone into hiding, while others say she is living in the house of a Dera follower in Rohtak under disguise, becoming a most wanted person to police now.
Honeypreet claims to be an actor, director, and editor, who has assisted her father, whom she calls as a guru as well, in movies like MSG: The Messenger Of God and its sequel. Made on a budget of 30 crores, the film’s first outing collected 16 crores gross from Box Office, but the makers, none other than Ram Rahim and his Dera, have claimed that the movie first part collected 126 crores gross.