Actor-director Ravi Babu has reportedly turned down to cast buxom beauty Bipasha Basu for supposed Hindi remake of Avunu. “I want a girl who can perfectly fit into the shoes of Poorna for the Hindi remake. I can’t go with any of the senior heroines because the story needs a young actress. Therefore, until I find a suitable actress, I may not start the project,” said Ravi Babu.
Meanwhile, Ravi Babu got busy with Allari Naresh-starrer Laddu Babu which bombed at Box Office. Now, the director is back to Avunu franchise and currently wrapping up Avunu 2. “I don’t call Avunu 2 as a sequel to Avunu, but it’s rather the second chapter of Avunu. It exactly starts where Avunu has ended,” Ravi Babu adds. Presently, CG (Computer Graphics) work is going on.
Shooting and dubbing have been completed briskly. Made on shoe-string budget of Rs1 crore, the suspense-thriller was a stuepndous hit at the box-office. Ravi Babu is hoping that Avunu 2 would recreate the same magic. Poorna and Harshavardhan Rane are playing the lead roles.