TV9’s former CEO Ravi Prakash, who has been accused of forgery, cheating, violation of agreement and causing loss to his former company Associated Broadcasting Company Pvt. Ltd (ABCL), has appeared before Banjara Hills police on Friday. The above charges have been filed against Ravi Prakash following a complaint by ABCL director P Kaushik Rao on May 16, 2019 against Ravi Prakash, former CFO MVKN Murthy, Mojo TV chairman Hari Kiran Cheriddy.
On yesterday (June 7, 2019), Ravi Prakash has been grilled by 7 long hours by the Banjara Hills police in connection with the case. The cops said to have grilled Ravi Prakash for long and summoned him to attend before them today (June 8) as well for a detailed probe.
Police questioned Ravi Prakash regarding the agreement between Sivaji and him over purchase of shares and the truth behind the deal. The cops said to have grilled RP whether the agreement was “real” or “fabricated” or “created”. The cops have also questioned RP over the sale of TV9 trademark logo for Rs 99,000 and the “truth” behind it.
Cops are investigating on if the documents are “not true”, then when they have been “created” and who are all “involved” in it. The cops are tallying Ravi Prakash’s answers with the documents that have been procured by police.