Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja has become over cautious in finalizing scripts and directors. His last movie Bengal Tiger released later in 2015 was an average grosser. Ravi Teja took almost five months time to give nod for director Chakri’s script.
Meantime, Ravi Teja suggested several changes, every time Chakri approached him by making changes to script. Few well-known directors and producers have approached Ravi Teja, but only thing the actor asking from them is a good script. As per insiders, Ravi Teja is asking for commercial subjects, which would take his stardom to next level.
Ravi Teja is sporting six pack abs for his new film with Chakri. Nonetheless, this is showing an adverse effect on his face. Usually, for those who work hard for a six-pack body, there would be a definite effect in their face. The charm in their face would vanish and they would become very dull. Some say that, Ravi Teja should not waste time being over cautious for scripts and do as many as possible of films, when star filmmakers are considering to make films with him.