Mass Maharaja Raviteja opted for a long break after his last film, Bengal Tiger. He had a film, Yevado Okadu which was shelved after its launch. Now he is coming back with a film titled ‘Robinhood’ with a new comer, Chakri. The movie shoot is already postponed multiple times and the makers confident said they will begin this time in July first week.
However buzz is that it got postponed yet again. Sources say that Raviteja is not fully happy with the script work and asked the director too take more time. The casting work of the film is also going on simultaneously. Rashi Khanna will romance Raviteja for the second time after their last film, Bengal Tiger.
KL Damodhar Prasad was to produce the film but now Senior Producer, DVV Danayya will be dolling out the money bags for the project. The makers will very soon make an official announcement of the film along with the cast and crew details. Sources say that Thaman may compose music for the film.