Nothing seem to be going in Raviteja’s way these days. The actor opted for a long break after his last film, Bengal Tiger. He had a film, Yevado Okadu which was shelved after its launch. He planned ‘Robinhood’ in the direction of a new comer, Chakri after that and even travelled with the director for few months.
But then reports are emerging that the movie is shelved now. The actor may be doing his next film with Bobby who previously worked with him for Power. The movie is the biggest hit in Raviteja’s career till date. Things are also not well for Bobby. After Power, he directed Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh which ended up as a big disaster.
So this project is a sort of rehabilitation project for both the actor and director. Kona Venkat is likely to lend script for the film. Kona and Bobby are in Script discussions. If every thing goes well, the official announcement of the project will come out very soon. This film is extremely important for Raviteja as well as Bobby now.