Like Sunil in Telugu, Santanam is very popular in Tamil. Call it coincidence, but Santanam is also a successful hero in Tamil right now. In fact, Sunil’s Telugu hit Maryada Ramanna has been remade in Tamil as Vallavanaku Pullum Aayudham. Just like Sunil, Santanam too has played important roles alongside top Tamil heroes and is a much sought after comedian-turned-hero in Tamil industry. Allari Naresh too tried to cash in on his success formula by acting in the remake of Santanam’s Tamil hit Jumpu Jeelani, but his film failed at the box office.
Meanwhile, Santanam says he is quite happy with the way his career has shaped up and reveals that he has offers to act opposite Nayanatara and Trisha. Apparently, ground work is being done before the films go on to the sets. But Santanam is a smart actor and says he will continue doing plum comedy roles alongside top actors in big films. And if a chance arises, he says he is also looking forward to doing a straight Telugu film. Well, we wish him luck and hope to see him in a Telugu film soon.