TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu will not attend the swearing-in ceremony of YS Jagan Mohan Reddy in Vijayawada scheduled tomorrow. Instead Naidu will be sending three TDP leaders as a representation and even they won’t meet Jagan at the swearing ceremony. They will greet Jagan at his residence in Tadepalli and hand over a congratulatory message signed by Naidu.
But why is Chandrababu not attending the event? Are there any specific reasons and who advised him to stay away? Well, TDP leaders are the ones who have asked Naidu to skip the ceremony. According to the TDP leaders, the CM swearing ceremony was supposed to take place in Raj Bhavan which is Governor’s official bungalow. The capital Amaravati lacks Raj Bhavan and taking oath in Hyderabad is not appropriate as per YSRCP. Moreover the ‘FAN’ party has made arrangements at Indira Gandhi Municipal stadium like a party event in unprecedented way.
As per the TDP leaders suggest Chandrababu gave a second thought and decided to give it a miss. In the TDLP meeting Chandrababu informed the leaders to be watchful of the new government and then react on their governance.