People of both the Telugu speaking states are in a shock, seeing the horrific visuals of the Kondagattu bus accident. At least 45 people, including 20 women and 7 children, have lost their lives and many injured out of the 80 passengers after the TSRTC bus they were traveling fell into a deep gorge near the Kondagattu ghat road this afternoon.
According to the media reports, the bus is quite old and had no proper fitness certificate. Furthermore, the driver, who caused the accident after losing control when the bus hit a speed breaker, has been hired by the RTC authorities, as today is Tuesday and there will be a huge of rush at the Kondagattu Anjaneya Swamy Temple.
The reports further reveal that the bus was traveling in a wrong route as the area has been abandoned due to serial accidents which took many lives in the past. However, since the driver is new to the Kondagattu area, he reportedly took the fateful route and even he ended up fracturing both his legs in the mishap.