Lawrence directed Prabhas and Tamannah starrer, Rebel, released last Friday (September 28th) to great openings. On the first day of its release, the film took Rs 5.85C, the highest ever opening day collections in Prabhas’s career. Nimajjannam and T- March on Saturday and Sunday had took heavy toll on the collections later on. Many theaters and multiplexes were closed down in entire Nizam area. Adding insult to injury, the heavy rains in the Andhra region had badly hurt the collections prospect of the movie in the region.
And now, Cricket is also going to be a major headache for the movie. The T20 World cup is currently underway and the tournament has reached a crucial phase. This is taking a toll on the movie collections especially on the days when India is playing.
The movie’s overseas run is almost complete by incurring about 70% loss there. All hopes on AP share for any further recovery.