The back bone of the YSR Congress party Chief Jagan Mohan Reddy, Vijaya Sai Reddy, seems to take up active politics. Vijaya Sai Reddy today has taken a dig into the rival party TDP’s Chief Chandrababu’s illegal assets in Singapore and said that Chandrababu is transferring money from India to Singapore.
He alleged that Chandrababu has been sending state’s money by hawala channels for building hotel in Singapore. Vijaya Sai Reddy was touring Krishna district addressing people’s problems. He advised Chandrababu to give away those illegal assets to the poor in the State. He said that Chandrababu to use his personal money in the capital’s construction.
So, what do you think? Is Mr. Reddy correct with his comments? Is really Chandrababu in any secret deal with Singapore? Is he all set to build a five star hotel there? Let’s see what Babu has got to respond!