On New Year, Byreddy Rajasekhar Reddy presented precious offer to Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu. Speaking to scribes, Byreddy Rajasekhar Reddy, President of Rayalaseema Parirakshana Samithi said if Chandra Babu Naidu gives green signal, he is ready to join TDP.
Speaking to media he said TDP is his own party and if needed will join the party and work for the development of Rayalaseema region. He said he will meet CM Chandra Babu Naidu and PM Narendra Modi and request them to develop Rayalaseema region.
He promised to work along with Chandra Babu Naidu for Rayalaseema’s development. But people still remember how Byreddy sometime back made fun of TDP party and its leaders saying only those who couldn’t get offers else where are with TDP. He even blasted at that time that all separatists are thronging in TDP.