Bollywood Actor Paritala Ravi who is familiar to Telugu audience as Reel Paritala Ravi in Rakta Charitra Part one and two. The 39yr old actor is now blessed with a baby girl on Tuesday, on the eve of the auspicious Akshaya Tritaya.
Vivek’s wife Priyanka gave birth to the baby in her home town Bengaluru the other day. After the delivery, both the mother and the kid are healthy. This is the second kid to Vivek Oberoi couple after their first kid Vivaan. The Vivek-Priyanka couple are very much elated with this new addition in the family.
Vivek Oberoi is very close to Andhra Pradesh people since Rakta Charita. He keeps on visiting Andhra Pradesh since then. In order to help to realize Paritala’s dream, the Bollywood actor announced that he will adopt Muttiahkuntla village of the district and work for its all round development.