Prabhas’s previous film Baahubali 2 has not only shattered the Tollywood records but also the Indian cinema records and has set a bar too high for any film to reach.
No wonder other top stars had to compete for the second spot (in fact third place), that are famously referred to as Non-Baahubali records.
Most of the credit of Baahubali was given to Rajamouli’s vision and execution, but we cannot take anything away from Prabhas who brought the fictional character to life.
It is a huge burden on any actor to meet the humongous expectations after such a gargantuan success.
Prabhas is smart enough to choose a film that caters to pan Indian audience and of a scale that is on par with Baahubali.
Saaho directed by Sujeeth and bankrolled by UV Creations is the most expensive non-franchise film in Indian cinema history.
It is an action thriller made on international standards and as expected it has created huge buzz across the nation. Saaho is releasing today in four languages and is expected to gross Rs. 100 Crore on its day 1.
Saaho should easily surpass the existing Non-Baahubali records even if it generates average word of mouth.
If the film goes onto become another blockbuster then other actors should compete for Non-Prabhas records.
Can Prabhas and Team Saaho live up to the hype that was never seen or heard of?