Actress Poonam Kaur is back in news. She has targeted Pawan Kalyan yet again, albeit indirectly. Poonam’s deleted tweet is going viral online where she indirectly referred to Pawan Kalyan’s recent comment. By mentioning ‘Rendu Bettam Debbalu’ cited by Pawan, Poonam seems to have taken an indirect attack on Pawan.
Poonam’s deleted tweet reads, “Early morning good news…Thankyou @TelanganaCMO @TelanganaDGP for #justiceforpriyankareddy. I Hope U will punish some Tollywood aka Political people who Humiliated and Cheated Somany woman’s like me…Pls Rendu bettam debbalu.”
Poonam Kauar had been indirectly targeting Pawan Kalyan and his close friend and famous director for a while. Linking the ‘Mee Too’ with the recent Disha episode, Poonam has yet again highlighted her plight and how she was ‘cheated’ in film industry. While YCP activists are promoting Poonam’s tweets to the core, Janasena activists and social army is caught off guard. Janasena leaders have now started counter attack on YCP MP Gorantla Madhav who was accused in a rape and has been highlighted by the national media.