After proving her mettle as a director too in Marathi with ‘Ishq Wala Love’, actress-director-producer Renu Desai is waiting for a big break in Tollywood as the Telugu version of this to release. And it time, Renu shares her thoughts about much loved Hyderabad city, giving some interesting stuff about the city to which she came 15 years back.
“Hyderabad used to be full of ambassadors and auto-rickshaws, and now there are all posh cars. Traveling from airport to city through this 15 km stretch real makes me happy”, says Renu Desai, who claimed that the AP and Telangana’s join capital is her second home town. Talking about her Food-wala-love, she avers that Irani Chai is her favorite in Hyderabad. “I love to eat slim idly from Chutney’s Restaurant. Every day I used to make people bring that and then have this Irani chai. Also I love eating Biryani here”, Renu revealed.