Renu Desai shifted to Pune along with Akira Nandan and Aadya after the separation from Pawan Kalyan. Once in a while, She used to direct and produce Marathi Films. Sometime ago, The Former Actress announced her plans for second marriage. She even got engaged in June last year and went on a vacation with her Would-be Husband.
Eight Months has passed, but still there is no news about the Marriage Muhurat. Was she hiding the second marriage due to the threats issued by Pawan Fans at the time of engagement?
Recently, There were reports of Renu Desau’s re-entry into films. Did she call off the marriage or if wedding got deleted due to any particular reason or was she keen to get busy as an Actress after wedding? Nobody knows what’s happening in the life of Renu Desai. What is the reason behind the silence of Pawan Kalyan’s Ex-Wife?
If she wishes to resume her career as an Actress, At best Renu Desai could play the roles of Character Artiste with ample prominence. Is she willing to accept such characters in the second innings?