Dil Raju’s latest presentation, Tamil star Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s Theri in Telugu as Policeodu, ran into unwanted problems last night when a group of senior police officers from the Police Welfare Association raised objections against the film’s title, saying that the title has hurt their sentiments and disrespected the police department.In a quick response, Dil Raju immediately rechristened the film’s title as Police, as a mark of respect towards the police department.
The production house further stated that it was the film’s Tamil producer Kalaipuli S Thanu who titled the Telugu version as Policeodu.Meanwhile, Theri released this morning in Tamil Nadu and overseas to positive response. With festival and long weekend advantage, Police is expected to open huge even in Telugu states. While the script has nothing new in it, the director succeeded in presenting Vijay in a new way.