Taking time off from his hectic schedule, YSR Congress president and leader of Opposition YS Jagan Reddy has had joyful moments with his family on Friday. Jagan has treated his family a grand dinner at famous five star hotel in Hyderabad. Jagan was accompanied by wife Bharathi and their two daughters Harsha, Varsha.
YS Vijayamma, who rarely makes an outing, too spotted in the family union. Sharmila and brother-in-law Anil were also present. Although the exact reasons for the family reunion were not known, all together said to have a wonderful time.
It is learnt that Jagan spent quality time with his family after a long-time. In fact, he avoided most of his security personnel outside hotel and kept it very simple with minimum security. The family reportedly had yummy Indian cuisines and bonded well. Brother Anil was the first to leave the reunion bash followed by others.