Despite the uproar from the oppositions, Telangana CM KCR went ahead with pooja ceremony for the construction of new Assembly and Secretariat. Yesterday the foundation stone was laid and in coming days, the demolition of old building will commence.
Congress MP Revanth Reddy has knocked the Telangana High Court over the construction of new assembly and secretariat. In his petition Revanth said that the cost of new buildings would be around Rs 400 crore and it is not appropriate on government part to demolish the old buildings. He also said to the court that the current assembly and secretariat can serve another 30 years and CM KCR is going for new constructions blindly believing in ‘vaastu.’ Rs 400 crore means a lot of public money will go waste.
Accepting Revanth Reddy’s petition, the Telangana High Court has directed the Telangana government to file counter and postponed the next the hearing to July 8th.