The shocking arrest of Telangana Telugu Desam Party leader Revanth Reddy on Sunday has been affecting his family as well. It is reported that Revanth Reddy has been planning his one and only daughter’s wedding with an Andhra groom and the there has been a ceremony planned on June 11th.
Due to the sudden arrest of Revanth, the works for his daughter’s marriage which were being done in full swing earlier now seems to have taken a break. Advocates of Revanth are trying hard to get him bail so that he can attend this ceremony without any obstruction. But the Telangana State government is preparing all evidences to fix up Revanth in jail.
However, it is reported that Revanth is mentally disturbed about this and his family members may postpone the ceremony if he will not be granted a bail. Let’s see what happens on Friday!