Controversial director Ram Gopal Varma recently shifted his base to Mumbai. He setup his own office there and named it as Company. The actor is making a comeback to Bollywood with two films – Veerappan and Government.
In the promotions of Veerappan, Ram Gopal Varma gave an interesting interview. In the interview, Ram Gopal Varma answered to a question about many flops suffocating him in the recent time. The director admitted that his flops are due to his arrogance.
However immediately he came up with his trademark reply. He went on to say his flops are intentional and hits are accidental. Ram Gopal Varma when started his career earlier on, started a similar kind of set-up called Factory and now his Mumbai office is also called Factory.
So his fans are hoping that they will get to see that old Varma after his new innings in Bollywood. RGV announced that his next film, Vangaveeti will be his last film in Tollywood.