Speaking to Press in Srikakulam, Congress MP Lagadapati Rajagopal has alleged that the YSR Congress president Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy has threatened his friend filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, to remove scenes related to his character in Rakta Charitra,the movie based on the faction war between faction leaders Paritala Ravi and Maddelacheruvu Suri.
Rajagopal has said Varma has personally told him about this threat when he had released his book ‘Naa Ishtam”. He said Varma told him that Jagan said his character should not be found in the film ‘Rakta Charitra’ and bowing down to his threats, he had altered several scenes in the film.
A popular Telugu news channel had reached Ram Gopal Varma for clarification to which RGV backed his friend Raj Gopal’s allegations.