Controversies’ favourite child Ram Gopal Varma is back in the news. Even before people come to terms with his last Vangaveeti, Ram Gopal Varma is prepping up with his next Sarkar 3, the third part of Sarkar franchise. Sarkar 3 is going to be released on April 7 on the eve of RGV’s birthday.
RGV, who never celebrates or shows off his birthday, has surprised one and all by announcing the release of Sarkar 3 for his b’day.
Featuring an ensemble cast, Amitabh Bachchan is seen as Subhash Nagre, the film’s lead while Manoj Bajpayee will play Govind Deshpande. Yami Gautam will be seen as Annu Karkare. Jackie Shroff is going to be seen as “Sir”.
The film will be released in Telugu, Hindi simultaneously. Vangaveeti producer Dasari Krian is releasing it in Telugu.