For the past 1 or 2 days, Internet is abuzz with the arrival of RGV’s new find, Anaika who is making her filmy debut with Satya 2. Buzz is that she has been roped in to play a lead role in Vasanthabalan’s upcoming bilingual film Kaaviya Thalaivan. Siddharth is playing the lead role and will be seen a singer. The film is set in 1920s and it’s reportedly inspired from the lives of S G Kittappa and KB Sundarambal. Anaika is said to be playing the role of a princess in this film. A R Rahman is scoring the music and the film will hit the floors later this year.
Meanwhile, Anaika’s debut film Satya is currently in post-production stage and it’ll hit the screens soon in Telugu, Hindi and Tamil. Sharwanand has played the lead role and Anaika will be seen as his love interest.