Actress Anaika Soti, who was introduced to the film industry by director Ram Gopal Varma, is now all set to play a bold character in her second Tamil outing, titled “Semma Botha Aagatha”. She has done two films so far with director Ram Gopal Varma they are “Sathya 2” and “365 Days”. She made her Tamil debut with Siddharth’s “Kaaviya Thalaivan”.
As for the reliable sources, Actress Anaika Soti is going to feature as a sex worker in her upcoming film under the direction Badri Venkatesh. Director of the film said “It is a pivotal role in the script and not many actresses readily agree to play a bold role. But Soti wanted to take it up as soon as she heard the story. I feel it is courageous on her part to accept this role.”. Tamil actor Atharva is the hero and producer for this flick, and it has music by Yuvan Shankar Raja.