As usually director Ram Gopal Varma pampered in yet another controversy throwing satires on ‘Dictator’ and showering praises on Young Tiger NTR and his ‘Naannaku Prematho’. Following are the series of tweets posted by Rgv, late night of 27th of December.
*From Sr Ntr restricting telugu to regional cinema I congratulate Jr Ntr for taking telugu cinema into hollywood space..Kudos Sukumar
* Not on a visual or a scale scape but just on a sheer extreme honest intention level Sukumar’s effort is more than Bahubali #NannakuPrematho
* Tarak finally broke the stupidity of dictatorial oldness and rocketed into evolutionary newness #NannakuPrematho
* Tarak brought ultimate classiness to outdated massiness..if NTR sees in heaven he will come down nd hug his grandson #NannakuPrematho
* Dictators regress and evolutionaries progress..Tarak u are the only true *** worthy heir of the Adavi Ramudu #NannakuPrematho
* Tarak will not put full stop in dictatorial way but he will keep questioning in a quest of replying to progressive cinema #NannakuPrematho
* If N T Rama Rao from heaven can see the trailer of #NannakuPrematho,he will be proud of Tarak as his one and only one true descendant
* What I love about the promo of #NannakuPrematho is that it doesn’t behave like a dictator demanding actually commands love