The iconic and evergreen hero of Bollywood, Rishi Kapoor, passed away today after losing battle to a two-year long leukemia. Due to heavy nationwide lockdown against coronavirus, Rishi’s Kapoor’s funeral is being done with very few close-knit communities. It is said that the Mumbai Police has given permission to only 20 important people to attend the funeral of the veteran star.
Rishi’s body has been taken directly from the hospital to Chandanwadi crematorium and Ranbir is said to have urged the Office of the Commissioner of Police, Greater Mumbai, to allow his family members and relatives to travel to Chandanwadi crematorium. The Mumbai Police said that they have given permission for Ranbir and his close family members to travel to Chandanwadi Crematorium on compassionate grounds. The people who are given permission are –
- Ranbir Kapoor
- Neetu Kapoor
- Rima Jain
- Manoj Jain
- Aadar Jain
- Armaan Jain
- Aneesa Jain
- Rajeev Kapoor
- Randhir Kapoor
- Saif Ali Khan
- Kareena Kapoor Khan
- Bimal Parekh
- Natasha Nandan
- Abhishek Bachchan
- Dr Tarang
- Alia Bhatt
- Ayan Mukherjee
- Jai Ram
- Rahul Rawail
- Rohit Dhawan
Also, Ridhima Kapoor, Rishi‘s daughter, who is residing in Delhi, has been permitted to travel on road to reach Mumbai. Due to long-distance, she will miss the funeral and the last glimpse of her dad. The distance between New Delhi and Mumbai is around 1,400 kilometers.
Amid the permission by Mumbai police, netizens expressed outrage over Rishi Kapoor’s funeral getting bigwigs like Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, who are not even first cousins and Ambanis family, who are dispensable at the moment in lockdown. Netizens and social media have compared how Rishi’s funeral is being treated differently over Irrfan Khan, who died yesterday.
Irrfan Khan’s funeral had no one present except his wife and sons. All the actors wrote condolences on the Internet saying that the lockdown is making them not come directly and pay last rites. Pointing out this, some users have brought nepotism and the perks of being Kapoor Khandan and how the whole thing is the unfair bias in favour of rich.