In an unfortunate incident, 2 Telugu TV actresses were killed. on Wednesday in the wee hours. Anusha Reddy, 21, and Bhargavi, 20, were killed when the car they were travelling had collided to a roadside tree. The accident took place near Appareddy Guda in Vikarabad district. The two budding actresses were returning from the shoot of a TV serial at Ananthagiri forest.
However, driver Chakri and another Vinay Kumar who were in the car escaped with injuries. According to reports, Bhargavi was died on the spot while Anusha Reddy was seriously injured. But Anusha died while she is being taken to hospital. Chakri and Vinay have been admitted to Osmania Government Hospital.
Bhargavi was known for her role in Mutyala Muggu. TV artistes were shocked with the sad news.