The shooting of Superstar Rajinikanth’s Robot 2.0 is 50% complete in the 100 days of shoot so far. The makers also completed two major action sequences and the climax on Rajini and Akshay Kumar. Director Shankar himself revealed the shooting update of the film in his Twitter account.
“100th day of 2.o shoot. Ufff…finishd 2 major action sequncs including d climax with Superstar n Akshay.Loading 50% (sic)” Shankar posted in his Twitter account along with a working still of the film. The next schedule of the film will begin after Rajini comes back after USA holiday. We already know that Bollywood Star Hero Akshay Kumar will be making his South debut as baddie in the film.
According to reliable sources, the movie is titled ‘Chitti 2.0’ in Telugu and the title is also registered with the Film Chamber. The movie is being shot in 3D made with top technicians from all over the globe making it a complete world class film. Amy Jackson is the female lead. The movie will be costing a whopping 350 Crore according to an estimate.