Reports say, the cash was to be transported to Ahmedabad on Gujarat Mail. The trucks were seized when they reached outside the Mumbai Central Railway Station to unload the suitcases. Over 100 officers have carried out this joint operation at around 9 pm. After the arrest, the cops have escorted the trucks to the police station. The seized amount later reached IT head office in Scindia House in Ballard Estate in South Mumbai.
This large operation has been conducted upon receiving information about the transfer of valuables from the biggest unofficial market of Angadias (carriers of cash and gems). Those people who were detained with around 150 suitcases of cash and gold have been grilled now.
Surely, this is for the first time such huge amount of cash and gold has been seized by the IT Department in a single operation. Names of the big fishes behind the transportation of Rs 2,500 crore will be out soon.